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Programmes without blueprints are like ships without keels

Is your programme exhibiting any of these characteristics Project issues dominate the programme board Unidentified risks start to materialise a bit too quickly Benefits are rarely discussed The BCM lacks authority or purpose Many uncontrolled or unclear dependencies between projects and other initiatives start to manifest themselves Decision making is ad-hoc, reactionary or just slow […]

How do I develop a programme management framework?

No organisation can successfully deliver programmes and projects without an effective framework. Our work on developing the maturity model P3M3® and undertaking assessments of over 100 organisations enabled us to review a wide range of processes, guidance and tools that are used across a range of sectors. We found: Incomplete frameworks with inadequate lifecycles Frameworks […]

Designing a programme management framework is hard

No organisation can successfully deliver programmes and projects without an effective framework and common lifecycle around which controls can be based. Our maturity and capability assessment of over 120 organisations enabled us to review a wide range of processes, guidance and tools that are used across a range of sectors. We found: Incomplete frameworks with […]